Online Storage

August 21, 2008

There are a few options available. Some free, some not.

The FREE services include: (1GB free, share with friends, uses SSL)

Windows Live Skydrive (5GB free, uses SSL, share with friends)

Omnidrive (site unavailable at time of this post)

Oosah (1TB free, drag and drop interface, share with friends, create slideshows; galleries; playlists)

Probably the most popular not-free service is Amazon’s S3, which is also accessible using JungleDisk.

Online Backup – Carbonite and Mozy

June 1, 2008

Mozy does online backup just like Carbonite, but they also have a client for Macs. Both Carbonite and Mozy do encrypt your data, however a lot of online backup companies do not. Neither of these services are free, and do have an annual fee, which is very reasonable.


The most important about these online backup services is that they allow you to store your data off-site. So if, God forbid, a fire destroys your computer or data, you know a copy of your files are safe and secure on Carbonite or Mozy’s servers. Or, if your hard drive fails, or your CDs or DVDs don’t work, it’s a definite peace of mind to know your data is safe.